The Event

Hello dear friends! After a whole year of silence our team has the utmost pleasure to invite you on the second edition of the event called The M Weekend.

In 2018 this was the event with the most horse power and adrenaline in Bulgaria. But also an event that left us with unforgettable emotions and a lot of new friends.

Again this year you will have the opportunity to become part of the loudest and most attractive event connected with the M series of the BMW brand organised by fans for the fans of the brand.

Together with our partners Shondy’s Garage, VIP Transfer, Бова Кар  and Persy we aim to increase the group to whole 60 cars and include some race track experience in order to make the event really unforgettable for all participants.

Welcome on 13-14 April 2019 to THE ///M WEEKEND 2.0

Thank you!
Yours sincerely,
///M Weekend

The Route


Don't Miss!

Pictures and video from the event

Pictures and video from 2018

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